Lauren is getting so good at speaking. Now she can say “cracker”, “purple” and “turtle”!
Lauren also calls Auntie Cordi “CoCo”…
Lauren is getting so good at speaking. Now she can say “cracker”, “purple” and “turtle”!
Lauren also calls Auntie Cordi “CoCo”…
Lauren played a cute game with Oma, and it went like this:
Oma: ‘Lauren, are you Oma’s little princess?’
Lauren: ‘No!’ (sounds more like ‘Noh’)
Oma: ‘Lauren, are you Oma’s little princess?’
Lauren: ‘No!’
And then I tricked Lauren:
Me: ‘Lauren, do you like ice-cream?’
Lauren: Nods her head
Me: ‘Lauren, do you like sausages?’
Lauren: Nods her head
Me: ‘Lauren, do you like dolly?’
Lauren: Nods her head
Me: ‘Lauren, are you Oma’s little princess?’
Lauren: Nods her head, then realises the question and says ‘Noh!’