Evan’s getting good at counting, but he’s funny when he counts higher than 13. He’ll say:

9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 9

even though he knows to count to 14, 15 etc.

Sometimes he’ll also start naming off the numbers in Japanese, starting with 8. It’ll come out of nowhere too.

He can also count to 10 in Japanese and is getting better with the 11-20 which is just putting “jew” (10) in front of the number, ie ichi is 1, jew-ichi is 11.

Oh, Evan can also do times-tables. For instance, if we ask him how much 1 times 5 is, he’ll say 5. Unfortunately, it only works on the 1 times table. Funny that. 🙂