So my semi-new mechanical keyboard, the black widow choma had a key that suddenly became very sensitive probably because of hard key presses or something. Anyways the key was glitching out every now and then, particularly when I pressed other keys at the same time. This lead me to think that it was a connection problem on the actual key-body itself. After a bit of research and razer support telling me that the keyboard was out of warranty, I decided to crack it open and try and replace it with a different key. Big props to “IDKHowTo” for attempting this first. After a bit of trouble soldering a different key on, I finally replaced the broken key with a less used key, prnt screen because to be honest everyone just uses either snipping tool or gyazo. The keyboard seems to me, to work better than before but I think that just because I was using a $15 keyboard. How to fix a faulty key switch –