Evan had his birthday yesterday and had a really great day. He had 6 of his friends over for a sleepover. We started out at our place with food etc and then I took the boys to go-karting in East Tamaki. They have an indoor race course with 2 levels. The kids had a great time. Some pictures:

I took a video of the event, so can’t really post it here.

The kids did awesome in the go-karting. Connah came from behind to win the races. The final standings were:
1. Team 3 – Connah – best laptime: 31s
2. Team 6 – Evan – best laptime: 31.2s
3. Team 7 – Ethan – best laptime: 30.9s
4. Team 4 – Donnovan – best laptime: 37s
5. Team 9&1 – Ryan – best laptime: 45s

Unfortunately Connor was too short to be able to go. We’ll arrange something separate for Connor for some other time.

We headed back home and the kids had food, played on the trampoline and we had a small rugby game.

They boys then had a sleep-over. They all slept downstairs in the living room and I went down at 3am and they were still up! I think some kids didn’t go to bed at all that night! 🙁

Overall, Evan had a grand time with his mates!

The next day I took Evan to the cricket. Black caps vs England. The barmy army was out in full force that day – New Zealand had a commanding lead in the test series and somehow England managed to score a tie! Anyways, the day was beautiful out and we had a great time there.