Our neighbours were overseas the last few weeks and the son who’s around 17 had a party while his parents were gone. When I was outside cleaning up, I could hear “chug, chug, chug” chanting coming from inside the house. We heard afterwards that there was a huge mess and even blood on the carpets.
Anyways, late at night we were upstairs when we heard someone outside trying to open the door! Nicole freaked out and I went outside to see what was up and some guy came clambering quickly out from the side of the house, very drunk, saying “gomennasai” (sorry). I spoke to him in english but he just repeated this over and over. Nicole sent him off down the road.
The next day we heard a funny story from our neighbour a bit further on. Turns out, the wife went downstairs and found some kid sleeping on their couch! He’d let himself into the house and crashed on the couch. Erki, the husband sent him off to our neighbour’s place with the party and told them to look after him. Erki’s wife is a police office in Finnland so is used to that sort of thing, but I don’t think she expected the person to be in the house. Fortunately we locked all the doors in our house (we had a barbeque that night and could easily have forgotten to lock the patio door), otherwise we would have found a drunk kid on our couch!