In June of this year we went to Himeji for a family reunion, it was fun! Zen has important tests this year, so we all just spent the whole week at Naoko’s family’s house chilling out and eating, giving Zen lots of quiet time to study… and he did study… a bit…
I did a trip to Osaka to see friends, and a trip to Kobe for shopping (I wanted to buy new tips for my boots, couldn’t find any, so I consoled myself by buying some great vinyl!). I also cycled around Himeji castle every day, until one day my rear tire blew up and I had to get it repaired.
Oh, I also found a great vinyl shop in Himeji, bought a bunch!!
Here are a bunch of photos. As usual, click on the picture to see a larger version.

Zen, go Zen!!

Homecoming party!!

Himeji homecoming dinner!!

Homecoming welcome!

Himeji Castle!!

Himeji castle!

Himeji castle. I like this angle, and the great clouds…

Himeji Castle park.

Himeji Castle – Naoko & Zen!!

Himeji castle with Naoko & Zen.

Himeji castle

Himeji castle terrace – for our picnic lunch, we found this weird columned structure…

Himeji castle second moat, near Route Two. This was my first time coming to this part of Himeji.

Himeji castle – second moat, near Rout Two. Never been here before!

Himeji castle second moat!

Himeji castle environs.

Himeji castle – the second moat, where I’ve never been before until this year!!

Himeji Castle, second moat.

Himeji Castle – new view. Beyond the first moat, but I’d never been this way before.

Himeji castle crane.

Himeji castle crane.

Himeji castle – splendid crane!!

Himeji castle.

Himeji Castle!!

Himeji Castle!!

Hey – watch it! The “don’t walk & text” warning!!

Someone at Megane no Takaya has a sense of humour!!

This is an Apple… this is a pen!! On the road to Osaka…

The ramen bluesman whips up a feast!

Chillin’ in Osaka with the ramen bluesman!!

Our Okinawa mama – all heart!!

With my homeys!!

Our Okinawa mama – all heart!!

Big & bigger!!

Little lady, all heart!!

Warriors… come out and play!!

Boys in the hood… Kyobashi!!

Tulip chicken in Kyobashi!!

Now that’s soooooo-OOOOME tulip chicken!!

Juso tachinomiya… great place!!

Juso party!!

Amazing punk rock!!

This band is your band, this band is my band… a little bit of Hamilton in Juso!!

The Gero! Love you guys!!

The Gero – raw power!!

My new best friend… I didn’t notice earlier that his t-shirt is Suicidal Tendencies, otherwise we would have had more to bond over.


House warming!!

Housewarming party!!

House warming!!

House warming

House warming!!

House warming drinks!!

Sochu lovely!!

House warming sunset!!

House warming party!!

Himeji sunset!

House warming party!!

Great food – katsuo boshi!!

Peter & Naoko – the cool people!!

Amazing tofu!!

Grandfather, grandson…

Min Min gyoza shop in Kobe… love this place!!

Min Min gyoza!!

Kobe records!!

Awesome dinner!!

Something’s not quite right about this kanji… can you see what it is?


Barbecue battle!!


Barbecue time.

Barbecue party!!

Barbecue time.


Twilight serenade.

Twilight in Himeji!

Dinner time!!

Eel dinner.

Lovely soup!!

Wonderful yakisoba on our last evening in Japan.

Cucumber power.

Last supper in Himeji for this year.

My brother-in-law with a picture of him from a year ago (wearing the same clothes).

Awesome ultra-karai ramen from Hope Ken!!

Cucumber power!!

Cucumber power!!

Okonomi-yaki! Our last meal in Himeji before going back to Singapore.

Okonomi-yaki dinner… our last meal in Himeji for this trip.

Zen’s study parlour. How cool is this!?!

Zen and his grandmother.