Today was a great day – I woke up at 8:00 (Zen woke us up at 7:00, but we let him watch Doraemon as we caught some more sleep), got breakfast ready, Naoko went off to work and Zen and I did some chores, went to the playground, went the pool, had lunch, and Zen wrote the numbers from 1 to 100. He did a great job, and is much improved from the other day. We are so proud of our little man. The teachers have given him the basics, we just cleared up a few problems and gave him more confidence in himself and showed him that with some effort he can improve. Zen took a nap from 2:00 to 4:30, then he woke up and we went off to the poolside so that he could swim some more where the Bermingham family had gathered a bunch of kids and parents for a birthday party for their son Kai, who turned five years old today. Zen went swimming with the other kids, and this time he’s really doing great in the water, and kept going for an hour on his own with his floater jacket and also a foam board to keep him going. He came out of the water, grabbed some food, and then went right back in. He was in the pool for 90 minutes in total. Then at 7:00 the kids came out of the water, and everybody had birthday cake. We kept talking, the kids ran around the pool and we were home by 9:00. Zen and Naoko are so sleepy, so they are crashed out and here I am, awake and alone again…