Meeting Robert and Patrick Godin in Singapore

Every year my friend Patrick swings through Singapore on his big Asia trip for his guitars. Naoko and I love to catch up with him, so we met him in Holland Village for drinks on November 11th. This was actually my first time out after my back surgery, so it was a double treat for me.

On November 23rd, Patrick’s father Robert gave a guitar clinic in Singapore as well that I attended called “Tone Tasting”, it was great to meet him for the first time in over 20 years, and to meet his wife Janet. He also told some great tales about how guitars are built, and how the woods are selected for them. It was pretty legendary stuff.

I play a guitar from one of Robert’s factories, and so does Zen, so it was amazing to hear about this from the man himself!

Hanging out with Patrick Godin

Hanging out with Patrick Godin

Hey - it's Pat!!

Hey – it’s Pat!!

Hanging out with Robert Godin!

Hanging out with Robert Godin!

At Robert Godin's guitar clinic!

At Robert Godin’s guitar clinic!

This story has a part 2… On December 8th we were walking along Orchard Road and who did we see? Robert and Janet Godin, that’s who!! It was great for Naoko to finally get the chance to meet Janet, and to see Robert for the first time in 20 years!!

Meeting Robert and Janet Godin on Orchard Road by coincidence!!

Meeting Robert and Janet Godin on Orchard Road by coincidence!!

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