
  • Principal’s award

    Evan was very chuffed to come home with the Principal’s award for outstanding performance. His school work has been pretty consistent and he’s done well in school supporting the study body etc. so he was rewarded for it. He was really happy!

  • Lost first bottom molar

    Evan lost his first lower molar yesterday. It had been loose along with his canine on the same side but the molar came out first. It was pretty loose and Evan wanted it out, so he asked me to give it a pull. It came out pretty easily and the tooth fairy came that night […]

  • School leader and road patrol

    This year Evan was put into the school leader team, which sounds better than it is, but it is a good responsibility for him. He’s responsible for cleaning up the sports balls, ringing the bell and a few other things. He’s also taken on the road patrol, which means he has to patrol the crossing […]

  • Christmas 2011

    Evan had quite a good year this year with the pressies, getting some things he really enjoyed. He got a nerf gun and holster that he wanted for some time, a poptropica book, diary of a wimpy kid book, a cricket set and a basketball net. He’s really into the basketball actually, much more than […]

  • Triathlon results

    Evan did really well in his triathlon yesterday. He thinks he got first in his league which is really amazing. Apparently he passed a whole group of kids in the swimming so his swimming lessons are really paying off. He was very chuffed to do so well and is keen to do another triathlon.

  • Triathlon

    Evan will do his first triathlon today. He did a very small one this year at school but it was very small and the swim was nothing more than a dip in the water. This time it will be a proper cycle, swim and run. He’s very excited!

  • First SMS

    Evan sent his first SMS from his own phone and number today. We are at the doctors waiting to be seen and the texted Mum to say we are waiting.

  • Inter-school results

    Evan had a great result in the inter-school match. There were 11 schools participating and Evan ran 3 events. He got 3rd in two events and 2nd in the relay race. He was very chuffed by it all! Overall, Shelly Park did very well with many first places.

  • Inter-school athletics day

    Evan is taking part in the Shelly Park inter-school athletics day today because he got 2nd place in running and thus qualifies for inter-school. Aiden beat him in running by a few centimeters. I don’t know how many schools are taking part but it should be fun. Evan is very excited by it all. We’ll […]

  • Softball player of the day

    Evan had a great day of softball this past weekend. He played very well as catcher and got a few people out. He also caught an important fly-ball which meant we could win the game 15:13! With all that, he got player of the day – the second game into the season! Here’s a picture […]