Uncategorized November 1, 2004
Whenever we see the McDonalds sign (the golden arches), Evan says “Old McDonald”.
Uncategorized November 1, 2004
Evan loves to sing. Often, he’ll be in the back seat of the car, singing away. The words aren’t very clear, but they’re usually snippets of songs that we sing together. Sometimes he’ll say whole phrases, like “Happy birthday to you”. I think it’s a good sign that he’s singing on his own.
Uncategorized November 1, 2004
Evan can say “Twenty past 8” now. In fact, he says it almost too often. He’s also gotten into saying “Daddy, daddy, daddy” etc over and over.
Uncategorized October 29, 2004
Evan broke the barbeque today. Well, sort-of. He broke the handle to it. Naughty boy. No more barbeque for him.
Uncategorized October 29, 2004
Evan likes to take tooth floss, stick it between some teeth, and pull it through until it comes out. A bit of a waste, but cute nevertheless.
Uncategorized October 28, 2004
Evan doesn’t seem to want to sleep at night now. We leave his light on when we put him down, and he’s usually still awake an hour later. I’ve put some toys in his bed with him, and he’s very quiet – almost too quiet.
Uncategorized October 28, 2004
As soon as I get out of the car, when arriving home, Evan bombards me with “DADDY, TURN BARBEQUE ON?”.
Uncategorized October 27, 2004
Evan’s getting good at doing sommersaults! He sometimes bangs into things, and we have sommersault races.
Uncategorized October 25, 2004
We rented an easel from the toy library and today it was warm enough for us to put on our old clothes and do some painting. Evan really got into it and made at least a dozen pictures for us. He really got into the painting and starting using two brushes – one in each […]
Uncategorized October 25, 2004
Evan’s been staying up quite late these days, but he’s handling it quite well. He simply asks that we keep the light on when we put him to bed. Often, we’ll hear his toy saw being used, or other things that he’s playing with. I’ll poke my nose in on him, and he’ll look at […]