Wake the Living

Pre-bup -> joint fora pre-bup -> gomi street nose, street sense -> grave appeal honour

Telelight -> feature of fear -> broken bolt size -> goat shave brain

Telling truly, telling old and newness -> fractured gain grain

Broken gate -> healing hell bio-void -> drug skeleton lovely boots

Thinking threnody -> nosy Norton felling, finding, hoping, healing

Lehman Sisters -> wild is the un-wind -> think of the friendly thing

Lending security position sorting financial feel forces, manufacture

Don’t vote, don’t hate, don’t kick the can -> PASLA-ISLA

Through the wall, speaking softly the ogre-some no-heads

Thinking things are thoughtful, so long Solange

ass-ets, ass-et holders -> being, feeling, defensively loved

Seeing loved ones thinking things, going ageless age brain

Great going growing helpful threnody going growing brain

Potentual reg-u-la-tory cha-nges -> chan-ges -> threnody brain

The pain of waking up livne -> this thinking thing likes to eat brains

E-volv-e, e-volv-e -> thinking things, threnody, brains

fancy fancy fancy

fancy fancy fancy

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