The Princess Bride



The Princess Bride – Great film, I saw it many years ago, now I watched it again with my kid and my wife, who both loved it! Adored it! We now crack up by yelling the word “inconceivable!” to each other.

The film is wonderful, even more so with Peter Falk narrating to Fred Savage, winning him over. We had a laugh at the primitive 1988 Intellivision baseball video game on the screen (Zen’s never seen something like that before). Funny rhyming game. “I really mean it.” “Anybody want a peanut?” “AAAARGHH!!” Vizzini’s taunt to Andre The Giant: “Do you want to go back to where I found you? Unemployed? In Greenland!?!?” Andre the Giant speaks – lots of dialogue (different from his role as Jaws in Moonraker). Funny lines. When Wesley’s boat is catching up to them, Inigo Montoya says “I wonder if he’s using the same wind we are.” Later, in reaction to Vizzini’s constant use of “inconceivable”, Montoya says “I don’t think it means what you think it means.” “Rest well and think of large women.” Buttercup describes Wesley as “poor and perfect.” “Life is pain; anyone who says otherwise is selling something.” “Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.” Wesley calls Prince Humperdinck “You warthog-faced buffoon. You miserable, vomitous mass.”

I love how the phrase “as you wish” is a code phrase for “I love you.” The grandfather even uses the phrase on his grandson, nice. The way the two young people fall in love is very sweet.

The DVD comes with a few extras: 20 years later interviews, the art of fencing, and an academic visitation of the art of the fairy tale through the ages that is very good. The interviews are with a bit more than half of the cast, Peter Falk, Cary Elwes, Billy Crystal and Carol Kane are absent (as was Andre The Giant, who passed away in 1993, but the rest are there (including a radiant Robin Wright). Great anecdotes of working with Andre The Giant, including how he mollified Wallace Shawn in the cliff-scaling scene, as Shawn has a terrible fear of heights. “I can’t even look down at my feet”, one of the other actors quotes the short man has having said on the set.

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