Snakes On A Plane (SOAP)



Snakes On A Plane – The film is one hour and forty five minutes, of which the first 30 minutes set up the snakes on a plane part (a misfortunate young man witness a mob killing, he becomes an FBI-protected witness who must fly from Hawaii to LA), then we see the boarding, we get to know the passengers, and the fateful flight takes off. They show us the WHOLE seatbelt safety demo. But eventually we get to the reason we’re watching the movie – the snakes that are on the plane (make that Die Hard with snakes). Several sick deaths in the lavatory. By the end of the movie, the usual disaster movie and cop movie stuff has all happened. Very cleverly, the cables and gas masks look like snakes (lots of long thin things in the film). Crap dialogue like “I owe you a dinner to show you my appreciation.” Now we’re just waiting for “More Snakes On Another Plane”.

There are lots of great extra features, like 12 minutes of deleted and extended scenes that show a lurid extended fat lady scene. The Snake Wrangler Documentary explains that there were 450 non-venomous snakes on the plane, and that they were selected due to their similarity to venomous snakes. Another documentary showed how the CG was rendered, but this is sort of the boring, crappy part of the documentary. Next.

The extras run nearly as long as the film itself.

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