Boris Melvins Sunn 0))) Earth…

Hey, I haven’t written on the blog for a pretty long time. Don’t remember why, maybe it is all of the little things I need to do that keep me busy. Every day this week I suffered a little frustration, a little setback. Nothing permanent, happily, but I was getting pretty frustrated for a while.

Some important points:

- I watched the Germany vs. Argentina game at the Ministry of Sound, a local super-disco. Germany won, and we yelled louder than the Argentina supporters, so it was fun. Unfortunately, one of the party organisers took my bag home (I got it the following Monday), and I got home at 5:00 AM after spending one hour searching for the bag and another hour searching for a taxi. Yucky.
- played badminton with Naoko’s friends. It was pretty fun and very sweaty, but we got home too late.
- Zen’s swimming lessons aren’t going so well, he cries and panics a lot. But he’ll keep trying. The coach is a nice guy, but I think Zen is a bit scared of the pool itself. When we take him on our own to another pool, he enjoys it much more.
- I worked from home Tuesday and Thursday, both days very much interrupted by stuff. Tuesday I got a call at noon, Zen was still complaining about sore legs, was lethargic and weepy, had a sore tummy. I rushed next door to get him, took him to the doctor, waited 90 minutes, got some medicine, and let him nap from 3:00. He slept through until the next morning at 7:00!!
- Talked to Zen’s teacher about Zen’s progress in school, she’s very positive about all of his skills, saying that he’s a very popular boy and lots of kids want to play with him (which is good – many of them have been in the school nearly thee years and Zen is a newcomer). Only in one area is he a bit slow – listening to instructions, sometimes he can follow what’s being asked of him, sometimes he can’t. Also, he has a bit of trouble solving problems, and tends to give up rather than try to work something out.
- bought some music from Amazon! Melvins “Acetone,” “Bullhead,” Boris “Akuma no uta,” “Absolutego,” Earth “Earth 2,” and Sun 0))) “Flight of the Behemoth.” Fun cool dronecore!

Working hard, late nights, trying to write and get stuff done, arrange interviews with bank heads, jazzy stuff like that, write articles, work on getting the magazine out, yay!

Recent pics:

Here’s a pic of Zen in his Spider-Man gear, on his way to school for the “costume day” event.

Zen took this picture of me. He loves taking pics, and knows how to do all of the simple operations on my digital camera.
Pete pic taken by Zen

Naoko and Zen today as we headed into to town together…
Naoko and Zen today at the bus-stop

Zen took this picture of us this morning. Actually, he took a whole bunch of pictures, but this was the best one.
Peter and Naoko - pic taken by Zen

Zen took this pic as well, but it’s a bit blurry.
blurry pic

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