Hell And Hell, Vol 0



Hell And Hell, Vol 0 – I saw Nagoya’s Hell And Hell live in Singapore in January, and they were really wild! The visuals are dominated by the crazy lead singer, with his fright clown make-up and wild fatman antics. The recording comes off as much harder, full of really wild metal. The album also fills for me the huge void left by Malhavoc, as I’ve yet to find anything as supremely awesome as “Premeditated Murder”. The vocals are twisted and distorted, the tempos change, the riffs pummel, there’s an industrial feel to it all, and there’s lot and lots of heaviness!!

“Hell Bloody Hell” is one of the better songs, with a great Black Sabbath-ish breakdown in the middle, and a cool double solo, with a wild bass-led bridge (the bass player was truly awesome), scary sound effects, a brief stop, and all sorts of coolness. It’s all there! “Blind Truth” features Yukito Okazaki of Eternal Elysium for some additional insanity, and the vocals are quite enhanced on this great song. “Not Stoned Yet” has great fat riffs that just snake around and around your brain. Great solo on the outro part, love it. “What Happens Next” starts off with a riff that sounds like a distant Metallica riff, then it blasts into its own space. Great, solid industrial thrash, love it!

The album shows incredible consistency, and it just gloms on and on and on. Definitely one of those albums I’m glad I bought at the show, since who knows when I’ll ever come across these babies again. Plus I like the lime green Black Sabbath piss take.

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