a visit from Mitchan and Manae

Hey, Mitchan and Manae were here all day today almost. Last night was a tough one – Zen was sleeping on a matress on our floor. At some point in the night he crawled in our bed. Normally he rolls around so much, you don’t get much sleep when you’re in bed with Zen, so I moved myself to the matress on the floor. Yes, I was kicked out of my own bed by my four-year-old son. In a way. We had a nice breakfast, the five of us, then Zen went off with them to their Sunday activity. There were due to be lots of kids around, so that was fun for Zen. Naoko and I hung out here, I got back to writing in my novel – yay, 750 words last night, 2,000 today!! I also got started on fiddling around with the “The Hand That Feeds” track and did three versions – a reggae, a digital hardcore, and a stripped version. All of them sound great. I recorded my own vocals for some of them too, fun. Next week I get started on my masterwork!!

Mitchan and the kids came back, we hung out, then went for a swim. Zen was reluctant at first, and cried and fussed, but eventually got into it. Frustrating. He’s drinking a lot of water, so he goes pee a lot, and didn’t want to eat much pizza for dinner. Pizza!! Silly boy, pizza is much tastier than pool water!

These kids were supposed to hug each other, but they seem a little reluctant…
Zen and Manae

Zen and Manae at the computer playing the Thomas racing game. Yay yay yay! Yippee!!! I won!!!! Faster!!!!! Faster!!!!!!!
(Staring down a lifetime of computer usage… ouch, the kids are growing up.)
Manae and Zen at computer

Zen took these pictures. Can you tell?
double chin Pete

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