Fun in Japan!!!

Yay, Naoko and Zen came back from Japan! They had a lovely time there and did lots of stuff. Zen went to the local primary school that his cousins go to and had a great time – he likes his Japanese primary school better than his Singapore primary school it seems (although he likes the Singapore primary school plenty enough). Naoko got to hang out with her family and friends. They took an overnight trip to the Sea of Japan to stay in a hot spring and eat crab. My brother and his family also visited them in Himeji in the days between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Sounds like everyone had a blast. Here are some pictures and videos of the event.

Zen and Lauren and Evan and Haruka and Nanaka playing at Himeji Castle

Zen and Lauren and Evan and Haruka and Nanaka on the swings

Making motchi in a Japanese village

Making motchi in a Japanese home

Zen sings his primary school song

Zen sings the “Happy Life Happy Home” song

There was a monkey at my bus stop today!!!

Zen and Naoko and Jii-san and Baa-san went to Yamanaka Onsen
Zen Hiroshi Yaeko

Having fun in Himeji
Daichi Haruka Nanaka Yuuta Zen

“Mountain” climbing in Himeji
Evan Lauren Zen Nanaka Haruka Megayama
Evan Lauren Zen Nanaka Haruka Megayama
Evan Lauren Zen Nanaka Haruka Megayama

Himeji castle
Evan Lauren Zen Nanaka Haruka Himeji-jo

Posing in the park
Evan Lauren Zen Nanaka Haruka Daiichi Park

Back in Singapore!
Oma Opa Peter Naoko Zen

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