The Black Aces today had a narrow loss in cricket, losing to the Auckland University Spurs. Apparently the Spurs have been undefeated this season and we lost by 1 run in the end. We were ahead by 7 runs with 1 over left and somehow they managed to pull ahead and win by 1 run. Some pretty bad play by some of the team members and some dodgy umpiring (ie ball was dead, but they still ran in 1) but it made for an exciting game. We nearly caught the player out in the very last bowl, which reduced one of our teammates into tears. Had we gotten that, or not made the last-minute errors then we could have beaten them. Oh well. Pretty intense game actually with one of the parents from the other team being abusive to our team – we’ll be letting the organisers know of some pretty poor parent conduct.

Final score: 108:109 after the wickets!