It’s quite amazing but Evan wrote his first “book” already. Speaking to Mrs. Gerrish, Evan’s teacher, she said that all of the sudden he started writing the book all by himself without anybody requesting him to do it. Doing something like that on his own initiative was really amazing for Mrs. Gerrish and we’re very proud of him too. Of course it’s mostly just a recollection of a book he had already heard, but the interesting thing is that he didn’t copy anything – he just used his imagination and thus some of the words are spelt funny and the sentences are a bit odd, but considering he did it all himself on his own is pretty amazing. Anyways, here’s the book, taken from a photocopy of his book:

Jack and the beanstalk by Evan Hoflich

Once upon a time ther was a boy namd Jack.

He was varey poor and his muther had no muney so he sold his cow. He went to a posin. Then the posin gav jack beans to Jack.

Jack ran hom.

Jack gayv his bins to his mathe. The mathe therur the beans ot the windo.

Then the beans gru up. Then Jack climd the beanstalk. Then he sar a large tawer. Jack want in the tawer.

Jack fawnd a big pusin then the pusin hed hid jack.

Fee fi fo fum I smal a blud of a eygleshman. If he dad ow if he aliv I will grind his bonds to mayc mi breyd sidin.

The jiyent falas.

Jack ran sat of the uven. Jack gravd the maney. Jack gav the maney to his muther. The muther was varey hapey.

Wunts a gain they didn’t ned muney.

The end.