We got Evan’s progress book, which lists a few of the things the kids did over the year and there are some quotes from the kids. Some of them are funny and I’ll try to list Evan’s quotes and some of the other quotes which are really funny.

“I am making a robot for Jong Il because I know boys like robots.”

(Winter break) “I went to Hakone, I went in the car. We see lots of nice things there, on the way back I think I got an ice cream. For Christmas I got a sword.”

How can we show we care for plants? “We give them water and show them tricks we can do… I can do lots of things.”

What do we care for outside? “Look after scooters… flowers and tulips!”

What happened to our fish? They died! What can we do? “We should take them to the doctors.”

And then some funny comments from various kids:

“What does `living` mean?”

  • Living people
  • Trees are living
  • Some smokestacks, chimneys on the houses are living
  • Houses are living because people live in the house

“What’s not living?”

  • Very old animals
  • Cut down trees
  • Grass
  • It (grass) is living because it can go up and down
  • (cars)… because it can’t eat food, it don’t have hair
  • (moon)… if you follow it, it moves, when you stop, it doesn’t move