Month: May 2005

  • Del

    Evan and Nicole were looking at Del’s picture and Nicole told Evan that Del was in heaven. Evan responded, “Del’s gone to heaven, but he’s coming back.”

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  • Rough face

    Nicole and Evan were looking at our wedding photos with the family, and when Nicole asked who Peter was (who had a beard) he said “That’s Daddy with lots of rough on his face”. When I have grown a bit of a beard (ie not shaved) then Evan says my face is “rough”. After I […]

  • Stacking

    Lauren’s doing very well with her fine motor skills. She can easily take blocks and stack them upon each other. She also puts things into Evan’s toolbox, and then takes them out again.

  • Go to your room

    Evan said this to Lauren today: “Lauren – go to your room!” and proceeded to carry her into her room and close the door. She didn’t do anything naughty of course, but he’s trying to assert his authority!

  • Hair dresser

    Evan was helping to wash Lauren’s hair when Mummy said “Maybe you’ll be a hairdresser when you’re older,” to which he replied “Maybe I’ll be like Sandra!”. Sandra is the lady who cuts Nicole’s hair!

  • Chasing

    Evan’s latest game before bed is called “Chasing”, where he chases me, and I chase him. He also likes it when Lauren takes part, and she’ll chase him, and he’ll chase her. She’s crawling on the ground of course, and sometimes gets distracted with something more fun, but the two do have fun.

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  • Silly Ogre

    Evan said to Lauren: “Silly ogre” We must cut down on his Shrek viewing…

  • Petrol

    Evan can fill the car with petrol now. He likes to help out and pull the trigger on the pump.

  • Carpentry

    Evan loves to make things with wood at Kindy these days. He’ll come home with boards with nails in them and glue along parts of it. He also talks about building “a fireplace”.

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    Evan’s latest joke went. “Upstairs. Downstairs. Instairs”. He also came up with “Daddies-in-berries” from boysenberries and girls-in-berries.

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